Sunday 12 June 2011

I hate when

First up let me say WORD!! for all my fans out there for getting me over 1k viewers

Just me again, needing another rant about people on the internet that DONT  get to me, they dont get to me one bit, but I am going to make some more 15 minute long youtube videos that no one will watch the whol way through, and I will make posts here , for you my fans, just to prove that things dont bother me at all

I am getting a bit annoyed at other people on second life copying me by making blogs. I am the first person to have written a second life related blog and now it seems everyone wants to do the same as me, well all I can say is fuck off and stop stealing my ideas I am the mighty Callum Ohmai and im a force to be reckoned with

You all need to get a life...Some of you take second life way too seriously....I dont see what you are getting out of it? You all act like its something far more important than it really is.
Try and be like me. I have a "laid back" approach to life and get shed loads of poo tang as a result. I am funny, handsome and have a giant member for an Asian. Chill out. I can name at least 40000000000000000000000 more important things than second life. You fucking sad,sad cunts. My second life is meaningful I got a cartoon girl hahahahaha you copiers havent got anyone

I also hate Scouse hate 

I get told ocasionally I have a sexy voice by Americans (I pop it in my profile ever time it gets mentioned, keeps Lyric Loon mah babe on her toes) Its funny that the Engish hate my scouse accent, This is because they are jealous. Our immigrant population ensures that there is an excellent gene-pool, thus avoiding the horrific inbreeding seen in the majority of incest-rife no-mark cities of the UK. Scousers hate the English - because we are not English we are Scouse. As a scouser I can trace my lineage back to the Kings of Ireland. Mancs (for example) can only trace their lineage back 20 years .we are often seen as working class or unemployed (I told you already I work for JJB Sports part time) thieves , pot smokers and council house dwellers, this isnt true, in fact we live in a Housing association house that we rent reeally cheaply in order to renovate, currently the back of the house is close to finished, I will update more photos later

They say a scouser is a low life loser who lacks the basic education to string together sentences of more than five words. And that his prevents us  from taking up the only job we are qualified for as they cannot say "Do you want fries with that ?" well I work part time in JJB Sports, so thats one myth busted

A few of my rl friends, be jealous haters, we have style

Also recently Nymph said that ‘To make up for our  shortcomings we wear a uniform of fake designer gear and hang around on the streets looking for stuff to rob. The ultimate outfit is anything by LaCoste "Cos its kewl laaa". And that we  normally only own one tracky and that our  single mothers dont know how to clean it so they are a bit grimy and they stink. Again. Not true
I own burberry socks, burberry pants, tons of gold jewellery,including a real gold sov ring, tons of sports casual wear

[2011-06-09 22:26:10]  Callum Ohmai: Fuck you Nym you fat cunt.
[2011-06-09 22:26:13]  Callum Ohmai: oh not answering cos I owned you on the internets huh.
[2011-06-09 22:48:10]  Nym: Is that a dog turd over there or a scouser taking a rest
Anyhow your King needs a rest from all this, Im off to Skype my Loon and voice fuck her and make sure she cam see my brand new Nike air max hehe, sits back cracks open the white cider and kisses my Loon over my Logitech, ha haters hating again I got it real

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